Feeling disconnected or alone
Lack of clarity or direction
Struggling with imposter syndrome
Feel stuck in your business growth
Lack of fulfilment or purpose in their work
Challenges with manifesting your desires
Manifesting the not so good stuff
Feeling discouraged or demotivated
Your relationships would be better, even the adverse ones
You will become aware when your victim is engaged with the ego, and accept it
You will have a deep connection to like minded souls who get you
You will stand in your power and be proud of your spirituality and own it
Spiritually connect without hour long rituals
Feel proud of finally being good enough and worthy of your spiritual gifts
Be authentic, standing in your superpowers
Acceptance of your shadow, we all have one
Manifest with real power, the loving relationship, abundance, dream business/job, home, etc
without proper guidance, it's easy to get lost in the vast sea of information, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Because you do not need fixed as you are not broken, it's just your focus is in the wrong place.
they often fall short in guiding you towards a profound spiritual awakening. Without a system in place, you may experience temporary relief but struggle to maintain a consistent and deep spiritual connection.
they don't tell you therapy is only beneficial for mental and emotional healing.
If your goal is to connect with a higher consciousness and tap into your spiritual powers, therapy alone may not provide the transformative experiences you seek.
So I finally, listened to my spirit team and was downloaded with powerful spiritual downloads that inspire and help others manifest and spiritually connect just like me!!
In an attempt to conform and fit in, I buried my authentic power beneath
a facade of lies and deceit, leading to crippling anxiety and an overwhelming feeling of emptiness.
I began to doubt my worthiness to be recognised as a spiritual teacher, believing I fell short because I enjoyed an occasional glass of wine, didn't strictly adhere to a vegan lifestyle,
and occasionally let an F-word slip from my lips.
These perceived deviations from an idealised image left me feeling inadequate and disconnected from my true calling.
High-ticket programs with promises for a better life
Trying to fix myself as thought I was broken but in fact my focus was in wrong place
Vision Boards (but still stayed 'stuck')
And so many other things...
16 Lottery wins in succession within 4 weeks (buying only 2 tickets per go)
High ticket programs
I manifested $$$$ amid 13 million people
100's of Feathers from my spirit team
Worldwide Travel
A beautiful loving relationship
Not 1 but 2 dream cars
A beautiful home
Break free from subconscious blocks
Live a life of peace, joy and abundance
Unlock your spiritual potential and manifest dreams
Raise your energetic vibration
Connect to your own divine power
Turn your emotions and thoughts into creative tools
Know when the Inner child is sabotaging
Engage in Shadow Work and Ancestral Curse Reflection
Explore your personal shadow aspects and ancestral influences. Reflect on recurring patterns and emotions in your life. Research family history and identify ancestral traumas. Connect your shadow aspects with ancestral influences. Embrace this transformative journey of self-awareness, healing, and growth.
Connect with Your Spirit Team and Awaken Your Innate Magic.
Set clear intentions to connect with your spirit team. Practice grounding and centering techniques. Call upon your spirit team for guidance. Cultivate a daily connection practice. Trust in the process and embrace your innate magic, so you take aligned action towards your goals that is authentically your purpose.
Surrender and take aligned action.
By unlocking the power of spiritual alchemy, this will enable you to transcend limiting beliefs and behaviours, connecting with your inner wisdom, and experience a profound shift in your perspective and approach to life. Embrace your Divine gifts, radiate unconditional love. Take ownership of them with sovereignty. Unleash your spiritual potential. Walk purposefully and radiate transformative unconditional love.
Spiritual Entrepreneurs,
Healers, Therapists,
& Coaches
Acknowledge your shadow, for it holds valuable lessons and insights that can help you overcome your limitations.
Develop an acute awareness of the presence and impact of ancestral curses on your energy and wellbeing and how to clear them.
Master the art of connecting with your spirit team to access intuitive healing information and channel divine guidance.
Awaken your innate magic, and reignite your sense of purpose and passion in this physical plane of existence.
Embrace and acknowledge the divine gifts bestowed upon your soul, taking ownership and full sovereignty over them.
Unleash spiritual potential, walk purposefully and radiate transformative unconditional love.
Acknowledge your shadow and clear energetic blocks, for it holds valuable lessons and insights that can help you overcome your limitations
Energy Reset Meditation
Shadow Acceptance techniques
Worksheet of different shadow techniques
Collection of sacred meditations
Roadmap of 6 weeks
Connecting to your shadow and seeing the good that has served you and what it represents in your life, acceptance is key
Purify deep blocks using proven techniques.
Use specific Angels to cast out negativity quickly.
Transform your shadows and subconscious blocks into your highest potential by cultivating awareness and harnessing their alchemical power.
Learn how to release the Heart Wall that keeps you stuck, in lack, loneliness, numbness, pain, not knowing your purpose, unworthiness, and feelings of not good enough!
Develop an acute awareness of the presence and impact of ancestral curses on your energy and wellbeing
Guided workbook of simple ancient practices
Connection to the Ancestral timeline
Release Curses meditation
Heart Wall Removal
Step-by-step instructions on how to clear ancestral curses
Knowing you can FREE themselves from curse energy and release the heart wall around the immune system, desensitised heart, your love language, passion & purpose and wealth and abundance.
Ascend into a new life-script by opening your heart to unconditional love and divine perspective.
Use relationships as a tool for healing and awakening by journeying with your astral body and activating the highest expression of your heart.
Harness the power of relationships to evolve and flourish by mirroring unintegrated aspects of the self.
You will be connecting to your ancestral timeline and releasing the negative energy that has kept you bound in your limitations
Learn how to use these ancient secret practices for your personal and professional
Master the art of connecting and aligning with your spirit team to access intuitive healing information and channel divine guidance.
Guided meditation to channel the energy of the spirit team and get valuable information
Step-by-step instructions on the process to connect to the spirit team
Detailed instructions on how to use the breath to drop into alpha state quick and easy
Cheat sheet about your spirit team
These weeks you will connect to your channeled spirit team as they await you in the invisible realm.
Where you will be transported into the alpha state and connect to divine spiritual intuitive guidance
Elevate your intuition and psychic senses to new heights.
Learn a powerful magic system to clear and realign situations in your life and unblock manifestations allowing quantum shifts
Which spirit team will help you channel clear intuitive information
Control your vibration and master neutrality to influence change in the quantum field.
Unlock your creative genius and align with your higher purpose to attract harmonic synchronicity in your life.
Awaken your innate magic, and reignite your sense of purpose and passion in this physical plane of existence
Detailed instructions on how to quantum jumping
Step-by-step instructions on timelines and parallel realities
Guided journey in the shamanic worlds with your guides
Here I will reveal the magic of quantum jumping into new parallel realities allowing you deep quantum shifts
Focus on oneness and non-duality to dissolve negative timelines and enhance your ability to live in flow and grace.
Use Divine Awareness to break free from vicious cycles, self-sabotage, and counter manifestations rooted in the psyche.
Allow the Divine Perspective to dissolve karmic and energetic blocks for transformative change in all areas of life.
Explore the Universal Laws and strengthen your connection to the Divine while adopting the Divine Perspective.
Increase your capacity for abundance, financial health, and the flow of miracles through your life by mastering quantum manifestation, and upgrading to radiate abundance, trust, and confidence.
Step by Step process to obtain these divine gifts
Download the energy and symbols
Guided meditation
Workbook with clear actionable steps
We will be lifting you into divine spiritual gifts with grace, owning the vulnerability within them
Rapidly increase your abundance and financial health and inducing miracles by mastering quantum manifestation.
Reflect on your strengths and passions: Take time to explore your natural talents, skills, and what makes you come alive.
Identify and overcome any remaining limiting beliefs or scarcity mindset to unlock your true potential.
Upgrade your operating system to radiate abundance, trust, and confidence and harness the forces of the universe.
Unlock the gifts you've been seeking for years by removing any remaining blocks to abundance and manifestation.
Gain clarity, stabilise joy, and learn to harness the Universal Laws to neutralise problems and live in empowered stability. Celebrate your manifestations
Powerful spiritual advanced practices that help you connect to the other dimensional beings
Step-by-step actionable techniques you can use with energetics
Workbook with powerful ancient practices
On week 6 I will reveal the magic of soul rebirth and how to keep yourself aligned within your purpose
Activate effortless manifestation and magnetise synchronicities, opportunities and gifts.
Work with clients experiencing spiritual crises or existential challenges, provide valuable tools and insights for supporting these individuals.
Stabilise joy and rapidly centre yourself with Universal Laws to neutralise problems.
Connect with your inner wisdom and guidance to find clarity and purpose.
Worksheet of different shadow techniques (Value £97)
Workbook of simple ancient Akashic practices
(Value £397)
Step-by-step instructions on how to clear ancestral curses (Value £500)
Workbook with clear actionable steps to create your purpose (Value £97)
Workbook with powerful ancient practices (Value £97)
Workbook about ancestral curses and how to eliminate (Value £97)
Energy Reset Meditations (Value £500)
Connection to the Ancestral timeline (Value £500)
Guided journeys in the shamanic worlds to reclaim your abundance codes (Value £500)
Powerful activations to your abundance codes (Value £500)
Ancient techniques never been taught before using energetics (Value £500)
Download energetic Egyptian symbols (Value £500)
Roadmap of 6 weeks (Value £97)
1 x 1:1 Clarity Call with Ann (Value £500)
Powerful spiritual advanced practices that help you connect to the other dimensional beings (Value £2500)
One Year SAA membership (£470)
Detailed instructions on how to quantum jumping (Value £369)
90 Day Journal (Value £47)
Daily Affirmation Cards (Value £47)
ONE TIME PAYMENT OF £1888 Limited Offer Now £997
3 Monthly Payments £667 Limited Offer Now £367
12 Monthly Payments of £188 Limited Offer Now £97
I want this for you too...
Yes I'm ready to connect to my spiritual potential...
Through her guidance, you can unlock your full potential and manifest at a high level, overcoming any barriers that stand in your way. Join Ann today and start your journey towards abundance and fulfillment, creating the life you truly deserve.
Ann has embarked on a 14-year spiritual journey around the world, beginning with her time living among Native Americans in the rugged California outback. Her travels took her to Peru, where she trained with shamans, and she learned the art of manifestation from alchemists.
Throughout her journey, Ann sought healing from debilitating anxiety, stress, and feelings of inadequacy, and her experiences led her from a broken child to an advisor for top executives and CEOs, as well as an international teacher to countless students.
Ann specialises in teaching practical applications of the Universal Laws, and she is adept at helping individuals alchemise their blocks in mere minutes. Her goal is to help others accept themselves and connect on a deep level where there is no seperation, free from the limitations that once held them back.
Spiritual entrepreneurs, healers, therapists, coaches and the spiritually curious
People who are not prepared to do the action and do not listen to their intuitive guidance
£1888 or payment plans starting at £188 pm
Yes the spiritual alchemist 6-week group coaching program is live
There is no upsell, unless you decide to work 1:1 mentorship with Ann
If you're not sure book a clarity call with Ann, I will only book you in the Spiritual Alchemist LIVE program
if this is the next step for you!
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2023 © Spiritual Alchemist
Ann Varney
The success of the Spiritual Alchemist, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Spiritual Alchemist, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.
The Spiritual Alchemist, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Spiritual Alchemist are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms of Service for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.